COPY - 'Solomon Terrace Community' Survey

Did you participate in the initial consultation for the masterplan development
On a scale of 1-10 how much would you like to see a Community Precinct development on Solomon Terrace? 1 (not at all), 10 (extremely passionate about it)
Looking at the Overall Masterplan, on a scale of 1-10 how much do you think the concept will meet the needs of the Morawa community? 1 (not at all), 10 (extremely well)
Looking at Zone 1 – Naturescape – do you think this sort of reflective, natural, and artistic space would be utilised in Morawa?
Do you like the concept presented for the Naturescape Zone? 1 (not at all), 10 (love it)
Looking at Zone 2 – Meeting Point – do you think this sort of gathering space and family activity area would be utilised in Morawa?
Do you like the concept presented for the Meeting Point Zone? 1 (not at all), 10 (love it)
Looking at Zone 3 – Activezone – do you think this sort of active recreation space targeting older children and high intensity activities would be utilised in Morawa?
Do you like the concept presented for the Active Zone? 1 (not at all), 10 (love it)