Morawa Community Gym Survey

Have you ever used the Morawa Community Gym?
Do you think Morawa needs a community gym?
Overall, how would you rate the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the location of the Morawa Community Gymnasium?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the ease of access of the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the cleanliness of the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the cardio equipment in the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the free weight options in the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the weight machine options in the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How would you rate the space for mat or core exercises in the Morawa Community Gym?
With 1 being Poor, and 10 being Fantastic.
How likely are you to recommend becoming a Morawa Community Gym member to others?
With 1 being Definitely Not Recommend, and 10 being Strongly Recommend.