Morawa Strategic Community Plan – Draft “Plan on a Page” Consultation

Text Agree/Disagree

Please answer the following questions, with 1 being Strongly Disagree and 10 being Strongly Agree.

1. The revised “Vision” reflects where I would like Morawa to be in 10 years’ time;
2. The Aspirations and Focus Areas covers off on most of the areas I think are important for Morawa to address over the next 10 years;
3. The whole community is responsible for ensuring the Vision for Morawa is achieved;
4. The Shire has an important role to play in addressing items in the identified focus areas;
5. Community members, community groups, businesses, government organisations, and strategic partners are as important as the Shire in driving the Strategic Community Plan forward;
6. Visitors are important to Morawa;
7. It would be great to see more businesses in Morawa;
8. Morawa’s existing businesses should try and work together and support each other;
9. The community needs to take more pride in what Morawa has;
10. We want to live in or visit a nice looking townsite;
11. I care about my neighbour;
12. I feel like my community cares about what I think or feel;
13. It would be great to see Cultural Diversity welcomed and celebrated in Morawa;
14. I would utilise recycling at home or at a transfer station if it was readily available;