Previous Biennial Art Awards & Exhibitions
2022 Morawa Art Exhibition Award Winners
Shire of Morawa Acquisitive Award ELMARI STEYN Lakeside Arboretum I |
Works on Canvas JOANNE DUFFY Dust Storm (Perenjori 1977) |
Works on Paper ELMARI STEYN Lakeside Arboretum I |
Indigenous Art LORETTA EGAN Protector |
Mid West Indigenous Art NICOLE DICKERSON Spirits of our Homelands |
3-Dimensional Art STEVE DAVIDSON Blue Monk 1 |
Photography NELE SCHMIDT The Flower of Joy |
Young Artist (5-12 yrs) GABE MCKENNA “The Hummingbird” |
Youth Art (13-18yrs old) PETA HUMPHRIES “Through the Years” & AIMEE MCGLEW “Untitled”
Highly Commended Works
Leon Holmes Feeding the Chooks |
Lesley Meaney Land of the Rainbow Gold #2 |
Betty McLean Transformed by Spring |
Kelli Dawson Tins of Fish and Campfires II |
Veronica McGrath Pete the Sheep |
Ellie Morris Rainbow Burst |
Milly Collins Frog and the Lily Pad |
Emily Traylen-Witt Natures’ Palette |
Art & Photography Workshops
The Shire of Morawa welcomed support from Tourism WA through the Regional Events Scheme who provided funding towards the Art Exhibition and enabled the Shire to host two Art workshops held in conjunction with the event.
A photography workshop and tour with well known photographer Tony Tropiano took participants on an adventure across some of the regions most picturesque and Instagram-worthy local wildflower hotspots and landscapes while an evening workshop with Award Winning artist Loretta Egan will taught artists dot painting techniques and an opportunity to learn the stories behind Loretta’s art.
The 2022 Morawa Art Awards and Exhibition was supported by the State Government through Tourism Western Australia and Royalties for Regions.
The Shire of Morawa would like to sincerely thank our event sponsors:
The Government of Western Australia, QUBE Logistics, Karara Mining, The Hon. Steve Martin MLC, Member for the Agricultural Region and the Hon Melissa Price MP, Federal Member for Durack.

The 2018 Morawa Art Exhibition and Awards saw local artist Loretta Egan win the coveted Acquisitive Award for her piece titled “Everlastings”.

2018 Shire of Morawa
Acquisitive Award Winner

“Everlastings" by Loretta Egan.
2016 Shire of Morawa
Acquisitive Award Winner

“Australian Song 2” by Leesa Padget.